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It seems that folding bikes are popular items to steal. It was probably stolen for resale or else for someone's personal use. I won't be buying another bicycle for a while, but I will report the theft to the police in case they find it. At least it is registered. I'll start there. 

This is not the first time that a bicycle of mine was stolen. It happened when I was a student living in a dorm on campus. I think I was almost expecting it to get stolen. There were bicycles being stolen all the time on campus. The running joke was that a new bike cost the same as a pair of bolt cutters. 

It's been a while since something of mine was stolen. It always leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I was beginning to believe that theft was fairly uncommon in Japan when this happened. It's not that theft is common really. The issue is that my type of bicycle is very tempting. If or when I get a new one, I will keep it inside. It is more trouble to do that, but if that's what it takes, then that is what I will have to do. I have my wife's bike until then. It is a typical bike with no sex appeal. When it comes to bicycles, standing out is just not a good idea. 

So, with this theft, I've learned a few things. Don't get attached to things, report theft to the authorities, and don't let this type of thing get in the way of enjoying life or change my opinion about the goodness of people. In spite of this, or rather because of it (?) I continue to grow in friends. Life is still good. Life is how you see it. 






Streetfilms | Portland, Ore. – Bicycle Boulevards

Streetfilms | Portland, Ore. – Bicycle Boulevards



宇都宮ではおよそ半年ぐらい自転車に乗っています。自転車に乗っている人が多いですが、その割合をもっと増やせるでしょう。私は今,私の日常ニーズを果たすために自転車以外の足は要りません。WorldWatch Instituteによると「自転車はパセンジャーマイル当たり35カロリーを費やすのに対して自動車は1860カロリーを費やします」(treehugger.com, 7/2/2006)。学校、スーパー、近所のお店等に行ったりすることは自転車で簡単に済ませる筈の用事です。多くの人にとって一番の自転車乗りに対する支障は「危険感」という認識です。認識は大事なもので、今のアメリカでは国民の約6割は『乗りたいけど怖い』という部類に属しています。アメリカ人がそうであれば、宇都宮の市民の間でも同じような認識があるでしょう。





Can We Improve Utsunomiya's Bike Ridership?: Some Proposals

I have been biking in Utsunomiya now for roughly six months and although there are lots of bikers here, I believe that there is room to up the percentage.  For my daily needs I don't  need anything more complicated than my bicycle. According to the WorldWatch Institute "a bicycle needed only 35 calories per passenger mile, whereas a car expended a whopping 1860" (treehugger.com, 7/2/2006). Going to the grocery store, to school, to neighborhood stores should be activities easily done by bicycle. The main hindrances to bicycle use for many is the perception of bicycle travel as dangerous. Perceptions are important and in America, roughly 60% are in the "willing but wary" category. I'm sure there are an  equal number of people in Utsunomiya who feel the same way.

What can be done to get more people on bikes? First of all bike travel must be perceived as safe. There are some things that can be done to achieve this cheaply. Paint on the pavement is a good place to start. Designated lanes painted a different color take away the ambiguity of bicycle travel. Cyclists know that in an ideal world it is safer to run on the street than on the sidewalk. Cycling on the street reduces the dangers of hitting pedestrians and being hit by cars entering from side streets. The reason many cycle on the sidewalk is from a feeling of danger riding in the street. Narrow shoulders, no shoulders, telephone poles in the streets of many side streets mean anxious cycling for many.

Another solution being tried in Europe and America are dedicated bike lanes. These are separate lanes reserved for cyclists and are popular with cyclists in Bogota, Columbia, New York City, and Chicago. 
The benefit of these lanes is that they are separate from traffic and provide the feeling of safety that lead many people to cycle again. The problem in Utsunomiya is finding the space for them. I believe that, if we are creative, we will be able to find some places for separate bike lanes in the city.

The last thing I want to talk about are neighborhood greenways. These are streets that run parallel to an arterial that provides safe connections between residences and schools, libraries, parks and neighborhood businesses without the worry of fast traffic. There is a network of these in Portland, Oregon which link neighborhoods together for cyclists. Greenway streets have incorporated traffic calming devices such as bumps and bumpouts to slow auto traffic, increase green space and provide an integrated system for bicycle use.

It is time to start thinking creatively about a bicycle system that appeals to current and future residents as well as tourists who come here to enjoy what Utsunomiya has to offer. National trends are pointing to a desire for more walkable neighborhoods and eco-friendly communities. Let's work together to make Utsunomiya a leader in this trend.