
My Sabbath

Thursday is my holy day. It's the day I do what I believe are sacred activities. I work in a field helping things to grow. I am surrounded by wild creatures, their sounds and activities. I get to talk to other human beings. I am reminded of my insignificance. I am rewarded by whatever blessings mother earth has deemed fit to bestow on me that week. Today was an especially pleasant day.

We've had lots of rain and cool weather recently. I haven't been here long enough to know if this is normal or not. It has felt strangely inordinately cool though. Today was different. It has been sunny and warm, a pleasant change from what I've been experiencing. At the field today our task was to set up poles for the beans we are growing. I was not able to come last week so I was stunned by the amount of growth the beans had achieved in that time. I put bamboo poles in along the row about a yard apart and then strung twine around each pole to keep the beans in and train them up. Each week I learn a new technique. I am grateful for the patience my mentor has for me.

While twining the poles we had visitors. We have a pheasant couple that have claimed the field as their territory. ( I told my mentor, Mr. Maeda, that they had it made. Who else gets territory where people grow your food for you?) Mr. Pheasant had been announcing his presence all afternoon from the edges of the field and finally made his appearance with the Mrs. He was beating and flapping his wings protectively while she was bathing in the fine dirt of the freshly plowed field. They both looked very happy and acted as if they owned the place. They are a cute couple. He, so protective, and she, so reliant on him. They seem to show actual affection toward each other.

In addition to the pheasants crying, the frogs were croaking, the bees were buzzing and the nightingales were singing. What a chorus of life!

We left the field a little early today. My harvest was green onions, greens and herbs: italian parsley, mint, thyme and fennel. I'm going to try to make a carpaccio tonight so I bought a spanish mackerel on my way home. Lets see how it turns out.

Back to work tomorrow, but today I'm thankful again for the opportunity to commune with the earth and friends.

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